1.The admission procedure to New Academic Heights Public School that follows CBSE syllabus is simple and straight forward.
2.The academic year is from April to March. Admission starts from 1st Week of November every year. Prospectus and admission form can be obtained from the school office on prescribed payment from Monday to Saturday between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3.A child who has attained 3years of age will be eligible for admission in class NUR. The Principal/Admission-in-charge reserves the right of accepting or rejecting any child for admission.
4.Parents are required to fill prescribed registration form available in the school office after submitting prescribed amount. Every student seeking admission will have to appear for Written Test / or interview. “PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REGISTRATION DOES NOT IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE ADMISSION“ .
5.The test will be held for English, Hindi, Mathematics and/or any other subject which may be considered necessary.
6.The selection of the candidates will depend upon the child's performance in the test/interview and availability of seats in the concerned class.
7.The date of the result of the interview & the date for the submission of fee will be specified at the time of the test/interview.
8.Based on the admission test and other criteria, the School reserves the right to admit any student who is found fit for admission or refuse admission without assigning any reason.
9.Parents are invited to fill the Admission Form and all other necessary documents, including Medical History form and Acquaintance.
The filled Admission Form is required to be submitted at the New Academic Heights Public School.
10.Please ensure that the Required Documents (see the list below) are brought to the school during admission.
11.Birth Certificate (original and one photocopy. The latter will be retained by the school).
Transfer Certificate (if applicable).
12. 3 passport size photograph of each child & one each of parents/guardian.
13.Photocopy of resident proof (Voter Id/Ration card/Passport).
14.Medical history records and other details about the child that may be important.
15.Progress report of previous school.
16.For all other queries, parents are requested to schedule a meeting with the school coordinator.